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Adult Skills,  Independent Learning,  Individual Development,  Psychology

How Is Self-esteem Developed?

This article asks: How is self-esteem developed? We explore the ways that self-esteem can effect your life and how improving self esteem can benefit your individual development.

Developing Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to one’s overall sense of self-worth and value.

It entails someone’s belief about themselves (for instance, I’m unloved, unlucky, I’m worthless, etc.) and psychological states such as joy, shame, triumph, and despair.

Early experiences, life events, and interactions with others form self-esteem. It can be shaped at a young age by the way we are treated or talked to and our successes or failures in various activities.

Positive feedback from parents, teachers, coaches, and other adults plays a vital role in helping children to build self-esteem and a healthy self-image.

Conversely, negative comments or criticism from these same people may erode a child’s self-esteem.

How Is Self-esteem Developed?
How Is Self-esteem Developed?

Experiences of success in school, sports, art, or other activities will also be significant for helping children develop their sense of worth and value.

Additionally, the relationships they form with peers and how they are accepted in social situations can also be significant factors.

Factors That Affect Self-Esteem

To understand how self-esteem is developed, let’s quickly look at some key factors that affect one’s self-esteem. They are as follows

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Disability
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Illness
  • Physical abilities
  • Thought patterns

Age – Children’s self-esteem is heavily influenced by how they are treated and recognized by adults. During adolescence, teens may compare themselves to their peers, affecting their self-esteem.

Genetics – A person’s genetic makeup can influence their self-esteem. Those born with specific physical or psychological characteristics may develop a sense of worth based on those attributes.

Disability – People with disabilities often have lower self-esteem levels due to their challenges. They may also experience less positive reinforcement from others and encounter more negative feedback.

Socioeconomic status – Those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may be disadvantaged when developing self-esteem. They may not have the same access to resources and opportunities as those who are more affluent, which can affect their sense of worth.

Illness – People with chronic illnesses or health issues may struggle with low self-esteem as they process their limitations.

Physical abilities – People’s physical abilities can be crucial in developing self-esteem. Those who excel at sports or other physical activities may have higher levels of self-worth than those who do not have the same success.

Thought patterns – Someone’s thoughts play an important role in determining self-esteem. If one constantly doubts themselves, has negative thoughts, or engages in self-criticism, it may affect their overall sense of worth and value.

Other factors, such as discrimination and racism, can also impact self-esteem.

In this case, those who are discriminated against or experience racism may find it challenging to develop a positive self-image.

How are high and low self-esteem formed?

Low or high self-esteem as an adult can be a result of what you went through in your childhood.

If you received positive feedback from family, peers, and teachers in your childhood, you might have good self-esteem as an adult.

On the other hand, if your childhood experiences were negative and you felt rejected, criticized, or unwanted, this may have led to low self-esteem in adulthood.

How to Grow Healthy Self-Esteem

There are several steps one can take to help foster healthy self-esteem. First, it is crucial to recognize the factors contributing to our self-image and work towards improving them.

If you feel you are unloved, write it down and ask yourself why you started feeling unloved and why you feel so. Then start writing positive affirmations about yourself.

For example, write “I’m truelly loved” or “I’m an important person in the society.”

When doing this, try to address at least five things that make you have lower self-esteem, write positive affirmations and keep them in a position you can see daily.

This will help you to start replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

In addition, practice being kind to yourself and make sure to reward your successes and accomplishments. Also, find activities that bring joy and focus on connecting with others.

Finally, please avoid people who value you less than they should. Healthy relationships are essential for maintaining self-esteem.

By taking steps to improve our self-esteem, we can see ourselves in a more positive light and find the courage to face life’s challenges confidently.

Building resilience is also vital for developing healthy self-esteem. This means having the capacity to cope with stress, handle difficult emotions and bounce back from adversity.

How Self-Esteem Influences Your Life

Healthy self-esteem is essential to lead a successful and fulfilling life. It can affect the way we think, feel and behave, as well as our ability to maintain positive relationships with others.

Those with higher levels of self-esteem tend to be more confident, resilient, and motivated. They are also more likely to pursue their goals enthusiastically and be more willing to take risks.

Good self-esteem can also help us make better decisions, as we are more likely to trust our judgment when faced with difficult choices. It can also increase our overall well-being, as we are more likely to feel content and satisfied with ourselves.

On the contrary, individuals with low self-esteem may experience insecurity and inadequacy, be more critical of themselves, and even avoid social situations altogether.

Low self-esteem can also cause difficulty forming relationships or pursuing their dreams due to a lack of confidence.

It is important to remember that our self-esteem affects almost every area of our lives, so it is essential to maintain a healthy level.

Why You Should Build Your Self-Esteem

Working on your self-esteem is very important because it helps you improve other areas of your life.

For example, your self-esteem determines whether you achieve your goals, make a healthy relationship with others, succeed in your career, etc.

With healthy self-esteem, all these will be easy to achieve, and the converse holds.

As you can see from this discussion, self-esteem dramatically influences your life by determining what you can and won’t achieve. It’s advisable to work on it if all you want from yourself is the best.

Use the hints discussed in this article to improve your self-esteem; you will cheer your success sooner than later.

We hope this article was able to answer your questions about: How is self-esteem developed?

If you want to discover more information about improving self-esteem, follow the link to our other pages on this topic.

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