Individual Development
Can Guided Meditation Benefit Beginners?
We are often told that meditation is a valuable skill to learn. But as a beginner, getting started with meditating can be hard to achieve. We look at how guided meditation can benefit beginners.
What Is A Career Coaching Model?
What is a career coaching model? We look at the various types of career coaching model and how they can be of benefit to advancing a person's career.
What Is The Difference Between Career Coaching And Career Counseling?
Are you looking to find out the difference between career coaching and career counselling? We look at what a career coach and a career counsellor can do to help you get on the right carer path.
How to Overcome an Addiction?
Do you want to find out how to overcome an addiction? We look at the difficulties of overcoming addiction and discuss ways to help yourself or others become less dependent on the thing that they are addicted to.
Why Seeing A Career Coach Is Worth It
This article looks at Why seeing a career coach is worth it. If you have wondered if seeing a career coach is worth it, we look at the main benefits you can expect from hiring a career coach.
What Are The 7 Steps That Lead To Addiction?
What Are The 7 Steps That Lead To Addiction? We look at the cycle which happens when someone gets caught in the process of becoming addicted to a substance or activity.
Is It Possible To Completely Get Rid Of An Addiction?
Is it possible to completely get rid of an addiction? If you are struggling with addiction or know someone who needs help with addiction, this is an important question.
Independent Learning Theory
Independent study involves processing, methodology and philosophy of education whereby a learner acquires knowledge and develops the ability for enquiry and critical evaluation.
How Can I Sharpen My Writing Skills?
How can I sharpen my writing skills? Find out why writing is important in your career and personal life.
What Are The Ways To Improve Self-Esteem?
We look at the top ways to improve self-esteem. Find out what causes low self esteem and methods to overcome these problems. Many people suffer from low self-esteem, which can stem from many different factors. For example, low self-esteem can result from a traumatic event or something that happened in the person's life.